Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Starting to move...

As I prepared for this transition from the States to Japan, jet lag as I now know it was not figured in the plans. 2011 would start with a bang!  I wanted to toast with the best of them, decide on those New Year resolutions that I would not keep and spend time reflecting on high and low points of 2010…other than my location, how could 2011 be different?  Well, let’s just say I didn’t see 2010 make it’s exit and much of 2011 is still a blur…I’m just coming out of what has been a foggy existence…let’s see what Okinawa has to offer!

1 comment:

  1. LOL! I'm excited to see Japan through your lens! Good thing the blurry new year is only a few days in...that means there's plenty of time for things to clear up. Can't wait! Arigato...for the view.
